Submission Guidelines

All papers must be original and not submitted to another journal or conference. The following paper categories are welcome:

  • Full papers describing the latest developments in various fields of Mechanical Engineering and Energy Technologies are welcome for oral presentation and poster presentation. The length of the paper submitted should be in the range of 10-12 pages. The quality of paper and similarity index will also be checked. The registration by at least one of the authors and presentation of the paper are required for inclusion of paper in the SCOPUS/SCI indexed conference proceeding/Journals. 
  • The manuscript should be written in Times New Roman Font (size 12) and single line spacing with suitable citation of figures and tables along with References. Margin of the paper may be set 2.54 cm on each side. Author’s name, affiliation and E-mail need to be mentioned clearly.
  • Peer reviewed manuscripts need to be formatted as per journal style depending upon the recommendation of the conference committee.
  • The organizers have collaboration with several international journals for publication of conference proceeding as a special issue.
  • Decision of the organizers will be final and binding.

Elements of the Manuscripts

  1. An abstract of about 150-250 words should be provided on the title page.
  2. This should be readable without reference to the article and should indicate the scope of the contribution, including the main conclusions.
  3. An introduction, which may begin with what is new in the paper, not with statement that is well known to everyone.
  4. Appropriate section of the text.
  5. A conclusion.
  6. An acknowledgement (optional).
  7. A list of references in proper format.
  8. A set of original figures and tables.
  9. A list of captions for all figures and title for all tables.

References: References must be prepared in proper format (examples of various types are given below) and numbered consecutively in the order in which they are cited in the text.

Books: Authors name, title of the book, publisher, year, pp. first and last page no.

Periodicals: Author(s) name, title of article, name of journal, vol. no.(year), pp. first and last page no. Example: [1] G. B. Gao and X. Gui, Reliability Physics as a new discipline, Microelectron.  Reliab., 28(1988) 713–720.

Conference records: Author(s) name, title of article, name of conference, place where held(year), pp. first and last page no.

Unpublished conference presentations: Author(s) name, title of article, name of conference, place where held, year.

Technical reports: Author(s) name, title of article, report no., published by, year